
The meaning of welfare is “the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity”.

The United Cape States (UCS) will be focused to drive unemployment to zero rate. One main initiative is to implement the ‘Ecobutz’ program, strengthening and bolstering the economy. All disenfranchised UCS citizens will eventually be accommodated at an Ecobutz agricultural community village.

This program will serve to prompt the incorporation of the homeless, the squatter communities and unemployed in these Ecobutz facilities where they will have the opportunity to acquire the benefits of a professional upliftment program. By empowering them to eventually re-enter the job market, being able to care for themselves and their families and actively contribute to the economy will ensure reduced dependencies on government while stimulating higher levels of educational, personal and career skills of the average Capelander citizen.

The concept is that every town is to acquire an Ecobutz community rehabilitation and upliftment system, where all able-bodied residents can be trained in and contribute to agricultural production directly sustaining their village. Additionally, and as alternative to agricultural skills training these ecobutz villages will offer training in various trades and other career-oriented skills, depending on the requirements of the particular village’s members.

These ecobutz villages will also naturally provide a safe living space for our elderly, incorporating frail care, rehabilitation, central kitchen, counseling, training, education centers, etc. and where the able-bodied elderly can choose to actively contribute to the success and prosperity of the village.

As eventually every able bodied and mentally capable person would have the opportunity to be housed, have access to their basic human needs, can be employed and have opportunities for personal- and career skills upliftment, the conditions of homelessness, unemployment together with the related negative social consequences will be eradicated.