

The United Cape States (UCS) acknowledges that one of our greatest natural resources is the wisdom contained in the hearts and lives of our elderly folk.

We are of the opinion that the many thousands of elderly folks, who are currently relegated to a forced ‘incarceration’ in old age homes should as far as possible remain integrated in our societies and retain the choice whether to what levels they still wish contribute.

It is their wealth of knowledge, their experience, and their expertise that formerly produced the most powerful, stable, secure, strong, and stable economy on the African continent. Sourcing their valuable mentorship in the equipping of our next generations will ensure that practical knowledge, skills, and information are transferred enhancing our ability to advance the UCS.

Radical inclusion of their mentorship will service our economy and build our nation, transferring information for generations to come. When these dear elderly folks reach the point in life requiring special care, their needs will be properly supplied in top-class ‘Ecobutz’ housed facilities.

(Also see the Welfare section for more information on the Ecobutz program.)