
Immigration is an excellent tool to augment the professional / skilled workforce of The United Cape States (UCS), attracting assimilable labour.

The criteria being – can the immediate descendants of any new arrival seamlessly assimilate into the dominant culture within one generation, limiting the number of new immigrants to levels that insure assimilation and not the creation of pockets of alien communities?

The United Cape States (UCS) will implement a point system for the annual selection of top candidates, envisaging that those who do not meet the criteria for Automatic Citizenship will be granted a non-race based Permanent Residency.

  • Pass the character test;
  • At least one member of the immediate family has been gainfully employed for at least 3.5 of the 5 years and are not likely to depend on the government for financial support.
  • The person has required any direct government support during the current term of Permanent Residency.
  • Citizenship Test,
  • Afrikaans Language Standard Test (ALST),
  • English Language Standard Test (ELST).

The Character test features in most other civilized County’s immigration systems (Australia, USA and the UK) and is an internationally accepted practice.

Substantial Criminal Record

A person is deemed to have a substantial criminal record if they have been:

  • sentenced to death or life imprisonment,
  • sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more,
  • sentenced to two or more terms of imprisonment (even if served concurrently), where the total of those terms is 12 months or more,
  • found by a court to be not fit to plead in relation to an offence but found to have committed the offence and as a result have been detained in a facility or institution.

Character Test

A person will not pass the character test if that person (for example):

  • has general conduct that shows that they as not of good character, or
  • has a substantial criminal record, or
  • is or has been a member of a group or organization, or have an association with a person, group or organization that is reasonable suspects of being involved in criminal conduct, or
  • is suspected of having been involved in people smuggling, people trafficking, genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a crime involving slavery, or a crime that is of serious International concern, whether or not such person have been convicted of such an offence, or
  • have been convicted, found guilty or had a charge proven for, one or more sexually based offences involving a child.
  • Is the subject of an adverse security assessment by free Cape Homeland Security and Border Protection or any other free CAPE security Intelligence Organization.
  • Is a subject to an Interpol notice, from which it is reasonable to infer that the person is a risk to the Country’s community, or a segment of the Country’s Community, or
  • engage in criminal conduct, or
  • harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person, or
  • vilify a segment of the country’s population, or
  • incite discord in the country’s community or in any part of it, or
  • be a danger to the Country’s community or any part of it.
  • while in immigration detention
  • during an escape from immigration detention
  • after an escape, but before the person was taken into immigration detention again