
The United Cape States Transitional Authority (UCS-TA) believes that healthcare is of utmost importance to the citizens of the free Cape, thus the UCS will seek the provision of the most advanced first-world health care where orthodox and alternative medicine co-exist for the sole purpose of producing a healthy, productive nation. 

The UCS will endeavour to revolutionize medical treatments at and for every sector of the free Cape society, actively moving our people away from dependence on pharmaceutical drugs. A complete revamp of the medical aid / medical insurance sector is demanded for the sole benefit of the members of said medical aid / medical insurance organization. The UCS believes that medical aids / medical insurance companies should primarily be owned by its members, where medical aid / medical insurance companies no longer may own any interests in any medical service providers or pharmaceutical companies. 

The UCS also notes that several independent studies prove that more than 80% of medical procedures and doctor visits are classified as non-emergency, meaning patients have the time to select the appropriate service for their needs. Patients should therefore have direct access to an online medical/surgical/orthodox/alternative exchange listing medical/surgical providers to easily search for procedures, surgeons, doctors, practices, and all related costs/fees, as easily as the purchasing of an airline ticket. To ensure affordability of prescription medication to the Cape citizens, pharmaceutical wholesalers should be able to import such medication from anywhere in the world at no additional penalty tariffs.

Everyone, including children, has the right to autonomy and self-determination over their own body, and the only person with the right to make a decision about one’s body is oneself—no one else. This is the principle of bodily integrity, which upholds everyone’s right to be free from acts against their body which they did not consent to. 

The UCS therefore remains directly opposed to the idea of Capelanders being forcibly subjected to medical intervention as it directly contravenes our free Cape citizen’s human rights.