
Auto Citizenship at Secession

A person and their immediate family (spouse, and children under the age of 21) will receive automatic citizenship of the Cape at secession if one of the following criteria are met:

At the time of secession, the person is legally and permanently residing in the territory, AND was a legal resident within the independent territory before May 10, 1994, or is the direct child or grandchild of a person that was a legal resident in the territory before May 10, 1994.

The person is a member of a majority group of the United Cape States (UCS) territory or is a direct child or grandchild of a member of a majority group. A member of a majority group is a descendant of either one or more of the following:

  • The region’s First Nations (Khoi or San), excluding any person who is a member of any predominantly Ba’Ntu Tribe (e.g. Xhosa).
  • Slaves and other indentured persons who arrived in the region before 1800.
  • European settlers who arrived before May 10, 1994 OR who has or whose family have resided in Southern Africa for at least 20 years.

Citizenship following Secession

Birth in a new country, i.e.”anchor babies” does not automatically qualify an individual for citizenship. However, any person born after the secession of whom at least one parent is a citizen will automatically receive citizenship. Persons with permanent residence visas may qualify for citizenship after 5 years but can start the application process 6 months before the expiration of legal residence in the region.

  • Passes the character test;
  • At least one member of the immediate family (parent, spouse or children) was in paid employment for at least 3 of the 4.5 years and have adequate means of financial support and is not likely to rely on the government for financial support;
  • The person has not relied on any direct government support during the term of Permanent Residency;
  • Citizenship Test;
  • Afrikaans Language Standard Test (ALST);
  • English Language Standard Test (ELST).

Forfeiture of Citizenship

A person will forfeit citizenship if any of the following criteria are met:

  • Formal renunciation of citizenship by the person;
  • The person committed fraud or lied on an application for citizenship or any visa before obtaining citizenship;
  • Where a person who received citizenship while under the age of 25 years, refuses to register for national service by age 25 or refuses to adhere to call-up instructions.